Family owned and operated since 2002
Our privately owned and operated early childhood education facility is open Monday to Friday from 6.30a.m to 6.30p.m, 52 weeks a year excluding Public Holidays.
We welcome all children from ages 6 weeks to 6 years.
We provide an inclusive environment which promotes a sense of belonging to each child, their family and our educators. We believe children have the ability to reach their full potential when provided with a nurturing and positive environment.
We pride ourselves on creating diverse learning opportunities, exploring a variety of cultures within our daily curriculum.
Families are valued within our service and their involvement is paramount. We are committed to developing relationships with families that are open, respectful and supportive to create positive outcomes for both our children and families.

We provide opportunities for children to learn about their Environment and the importance of respecting our natural resources. We have embedded sustainable practices within our service, educators and children are responsible for maintaining these practices. Children are included in caring for our immediate natural environment, our chickens, rabbit and tree frog. We encourage donations of recycled materials via our recycling box for the children to explore and create which limits the purchasing and transit of paper, art and cardboard products. We have many visual aids displayed within the service to remind children and educators of reducing, reusing and recycling. We encourage families to assist us in this learning by implementing these strategies at home.

Our service provides a 4 week rotating menu for children 12 months and over. Our menu is low in salt, sugar and free of preservatives. All meals are cooked fresh each day and we source all our products from local producers. We cater for all dietary, allergy requirements by modifying the daily meal to ensure all children are not excluded from variety. Growing, harvesting, preparing and cooking with food is all part of our Curriculum where children have the opportunity to explore all food types to encourage healthy choices for their well-being. Families are required to provide a fresh piece of fruit each day your child is booked in for as the children have fruit 2-3 times a day.

We have a skin protection policy which aims to protect all children and educators and provides valuable learning for children to ensure a safe and healthy lifestyle. We provide children with bucket hats to wear while outdoors “NO HAT NO PLAY” 50+ broad sunscreen is provided and applied every 2 hours to ensure safe outdoor play. Our clothing policy supports our skin protection policy by encouraging children to wear suitable clothing for outdoor play, NO thin straps or short dresses or shorts. Children learn how to keep themselves healthy and safe through daily routines rituals and expectations, we provide families with up to date information relating to health and well-being to ensure protection from harm.