
We provide an inclusive environment which promotes a sense of belonging to each child, their family and our educators. We believe children have the ability to achieve within a nurturing positive environment. We assist children to develop the skills to negotiate their own rights and to build resilience and emotional well-being. Children are given opportunities to connect with peers and collaborate together and form valuable relationships with others to develop empathy, respect and interdependence. Children are exposed to an environment where we can stimulate and develop children’s imaginations and curiosity.

Families are valued within our service and their involvement is paramount. We are committed to developing relationships with families that are open, respectful and supportive to create positive outcomes for both children and families. We work in partnership with families and Communities to achieve shared goals. We engage and build relationships with our diverse Community in which we value and use to provide a holistic approach for children and families.

Play is a valued process for children’s learning. Thinking, imagination and communication are developed when children have opportunities to engage in a holistic learning environment. We use the Early Years Learning Framework as an opportunity to encompass all learning styles to ensure positive outcomes for children. Through spontaneous opportunities and Intentional teaching practices our Curriculum ensures children can be successful and are capable of directing their own learning which reflects the interests and strengths of our children and educators.


Our Educators are professional, passionate and caring towards children and families. All educators are encouraged and provided with opportunities to develop their own professional practice and learning. We have a service culture which reflects shared values and pedagogy of educators by sharing knowledge, skills and interests. Our teams work towards supporting, challenging and assisting each other to succeed in reaching shared goals and provide an inclusive environment for learning and growth. We are committed towards growth and improvement and use reflective practices to continuously improve our service and meet the needs of all children, families and educators.